Agile Continuous Jumping in Discontinuous Terrains

1University of Washington, 2Google Deepmind, 3Carnegie Mellon University
Under Submission, ICRA 2024

We achieve high-speed, continuous, terrain-adaptive jumping on discontinuous terrains like stairs.


We focus on advancing the agility of quadrupedal robots with continuous, precise, and terrain-adaptive jumping in discontinuous terrains such as stairs and stepping stones.

To accomplish this task, we design a hierarchical learning and control framework, which consists of a learned heightmap predictor for robust terrain perception, a reinforcement-learning-based centroidal-level motion policy for versatile and terrain-adaptive planning, and a low-level model-based leg controller for accurate motion tracking. In addition, we minimize the sim-to-real gap by accurately modeling the hardware characteristics.

Such a hierarchical and hybrid framework effectively combines the advantages of model-free learning and model-based control, therefore enabling a Unitree Go1 robot to perform agile and continuous jumps on human-sized stairs and sparse stepping stones, for the first time to the best of our knowledge. In particular, the robot can cross two stair steps in each jump and completes a 3.5m long, 2.8m high, 14-step stair in 4.5 seconds. Moreover, the same policy outperforms baselines in various other parkour tasks, such as jumping over single horizontal or vertical discontinuities.

Video Overview

Jumping on Staircases

Our framework enables a Unitree Go1 robot to jump up a human-sized, 14-step staircase in less than 4.5 seconds, with an average horizontal speed of 0.8m/s and vertical speed of 0.6m/s.

The heightmap predictor reconstructs terrain heightmap from depth images. Using this heightmap, the motion policy plans body and foot motions, which is tracked by the leg controller.

Our framework enables a quadrupedal robot to jump on various staircases in the real world.

Jumping over a Single Discontinuity

Our framework achieves state-of-the-art performance in jumping over a single discontinuity.

Vertical Step

Step height: 60cm

Horizontal Gap

Gap width: 80cm

Emergent Body and Footstep Planning

The motion policy plans versatile body and foot trajectories based on perceived terrain information.

Jumping on Stairs

The robot switches between one-step and two-step jumps.

Jumping on Gaps of Different Sizes

The robot plans an intermediate landing for longer gaps.
